April 29,2021


After a group of board-certified gynecologists went through 29 years of clinical practice conducted on 23,000 patient visits with cases of severe period cramps- they finally discovered a permanent solution to the problem that even over-the-counter drugs couldn’t solve. Here are the three life-changing discoveries presented for any girl or woman looking for a 100% drug-free and safe way to eliminate painful period cramps in less than 5 minutes…

“I’m Doctor Sonia Kim, MD; I use this Ladiesbestie as a first-line treatment for menstrual cramps and backache conditions in my office. I am a double board-certified gynecologist specializing in Female gynecology at New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center. I have taken care of patients with all sorts of period cramps, from mild to severe menstrual pain. I have also worked with Women’s Health Magazine as a women’s reproductive health analyst for the most common gynecology conditions.”

-Dr. Sonia Kim, MD, Board Certified Female Gynecologist

 If you suffer from severe menstrual cramps that leave you in bed for days each month, just know that you're not alone. Studies estimate that over 80% of women have experienced severe period cramps at some point in their life. 

Raise your hand if you have tried several menstrual cramps remedies that ended up being ineffective. 

Yes, most of us women have been there.

You will find that most of the available options for relieving the pain are either ephemeral or, in many cases, just totally ineffective and can cause serious side effects when overused.

The current solutions like taking pain relievers and injections may reduce the pain for a while, but they can’t help you when the pain gets severe. To make it worse, painkillers can negatively affect your fertility when used for prolonged period of time.

So it’s important that you avoid using menstrual pain medications before the situation gets out of hand. Instead, you should consider drug-free remedies that don’t cause any harsh side effects. 

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Discovery #1

The Most Common Causes Of Severe Menstrual Cramps Are Related To Endometriosis, Uterine Fibroids, Adenomyosis, Cervical Stenosis, Or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

So what causes menstrual cramps?

 Most women ask this question at some point in their life. At that time of the month, mild cramps, irritability, and bloating are expected

However, severe fatigue, heavy bleeding, crippling period pain, and other symptoms that make your life feel like hell on earth are not.

Discovery #2

The Problem With Menstrual Painkillers

Many women who suffer from period cramps often resort to taking painkillers, especially when the pain is mild. But what they don’t know is that they pose serious side effects like infertility when overused.

Taking too many painkillers may also lead to small intestines or stomach ulcers. If the wounds do not heal, it could develop bleeding in the stool, which can be dangerous.

Other risky methods like hormonal birth control are available as an implant, injection, vaginal ring, patch, pill, or intrauterine device (IUD). Hormones can control your menstrual cramps by preventing ovulation but can lead to infertility if used in the long term.

Some women use surgery to treat uterine fibroids or endometriosis if other treatments haven’t been successful. The surgery removes any cysts, uterine fibroids, or endometriosis implants.

What are the risks of Menstrual Pain Surgery?

In rare cases, a Endometrial ablation (a procedure that surgically destroys (ablates) the lining of your uterus) is considered an option if the pain is severe and other treatments haven’t worked

Although a  Endometrial ablation my may be perceived to be a reasonably safe procedure, it also comes with some associated risks, as with all major surgeries. Some women may have a serious reaction to the anesthetic. There’s also the risk of infection around the incision site and heavy bleeding.

Other risks include Heat or cold damage to nearby organs, injury to surrounding organs or tissues, or A puncture injury of the uterine wall from surgical instruments.

The saddest part is that when these risks occur, you may need a second surgery to correct them.

Although some women have reported getting some relief after undertaking this surgery, it still comes with high risks to consider.

As you can see from the alternatives listed above, none will grant you a permanent solution to your painful period cramps. Painkillers cause infertility in the long term while surgery is not to be taken lightly.

So that leaves us women with severe cramps searching for more effective and affordable ways to deal with period cramps. Of course, no woman is interested in a method that compromises her health.

Heating pads and are they effective:

Heating pads have been used to relieve period pain for ages and are recommended by OB-GYNs often. We reached out to Dr. Sheryl Ross, M.D., double board-certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California, who further explained precisely how they are effective.

“The heat doesn't just provide comfort and have a placebo effect—it actually deactivates the pain at a molecular level in much the same way as pharmaceutical painkillers work.”

Dr. Sheryl Ross, M.D., double board-certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California

The period heating pad enables the uterine muscle to relax, promoting a healthy period flow, which means less pain. 

So, in other words, it’s like a warm hug!

A study was done with a small group of women who would experience discomfort due to pain every month.

The women used heating pads at a temperature of 104 to 107 degrees Fahrenheit, and the study showed that the heating pads reduced perceived menstrual cramps:

- 27% decrease in pain after 5 minutes

- 43% decrease in pain after 7 minutes

- 79% decrease in pain after 10 minutes

Benefits of Massage Vibrations

An other Study shows that as little as 15 minutes a day of massaging vibration helps:

- Reduce muscle soreness

- Enhance blood flow

- Prevent bloating

- Build strength

- Decrease the stress hormone cortisol.

The compression massage technique focuses on massaging the glutes to help with compressing the sacrum to relieve cramping sensations during the period and general PMS symptoms.

In the case of notorious menstrual cramps, the massaging vibration relaxes the myometrium (the middle layer of the uterine wall, consisting mainly of smooth muscle cells that contract and cause pain).

By relaxing the myometrium, your blood vessels that were once constricted are able to relax and allow more blood flow to your uterus.

Discovery #3

The Menstrual Pain Relief Technology That Makes Your Periods Pain-Free In Seconds

It’s called Ladiesbestie and has been used on thousands of women as the best treatment for menstrual cramps. Many women have said it hashelped them to eliminate period cramps completely.

The massaging heat pad combines heat and massaging vibrations that stimulate thermoreceptors, which block pain signals to the brain.

Another essential feature is that the Ladiesbestie has three vibration massage modes. No interval, short interval, and long interval vibration. 

“Ladiesbestie has really helped me get rid of my cramps. Every time I had my periods it got me worried just because of the sharp pain accompanied by heavy menstrual flow. But since I found this awesome heat pad my life has been smooth and filled with lots of fun. I love that the heat pad has different heat and massage modes that I can adjust to soothe my pain.” 

I love this precious gadget. The pain I always had during menstrual periods were unbearable and annoying. I tried several painkillers to reduce the pain but the pain always came back after a few hours. This massage heating pad for cramps is a real game-changer and every lady suffering from painful  cramps should consider having it. The strap is comfortably adjustable and I also find it helpful for relieving back pain.”

Story Update: Tuesday, March 2, 2022

I Tested LadiesBestie Out Myself. Did It Meet My Expectations?

-Lavender Morson, Health Blogger, and happy Ladiesbestie test subject…

What happened over the next three days improved my quality of life. I took daily notes on my progression while wearing this period heating pad.



Literally after 3 minutes of using this my menstrual pain was gone.



Finally got a comfortable night's sleep for the first time after struggling with sleep due to my painful menstrual cramps.

Day 03:

 I no longer feel the need for the daily painkillers I was taking before. The pain in my stomach has been reduced to zero and I have been carrying on with my daily activities normally. I’ve even noticed that I can now comfortably work for longer hours.

Final Take On LadiesBestie Heating Pad

I love this precious gadget. The pain I always had during menstrual periods were unbearable and annoying. I tried several painkillers to reduce the pain but the pain always came back after a few hours. This massage heating pad for cramps is a real game-changer and every lady suffering from painful menstrual cramps should consider having it. The strap is comfortably adjustable and I also find it helpful for relieving bak pain.”

I love this precious gadget. The pain I always had during menstrual periods were unbearable and annoying. I tried several painkillers to reduce the pain but the pain always came back after a few hours. This massage heating pad for cramps is a real game-changer and every lady suffering from painful menstrual cramps should consider having it. The strap is comfortably adjustable and I also find it helpful for relieving bak pain.”

A Menstrual Heat Pad That Pays Back In Freedom

LadiesBestie heating pad allows you to avoid risky surgery, pills, and injections.

LadiesBestie does more than just save you money. Just for a second, forget the thousands of dollars these treatments would cost you and pretend they were free.

Now just think about the risk. These treatments have been PROVEN not to be effective and are all temporary pain relief that does not make any effort to solve the root cause of the problem. They are all invasive treatments, toxic to your body, and don’t provide long-lasting solutions.

On the contrary, gaining menstrual pain relief in the best way possible means less pain, which in turn means more energy, fewer missed days, and a better attitude towards loved ones and colleagues at work.

You could use painkillers to reduce the cramps, but it doesn’t work as expected according to some patient reports, or you could get LadiesBestie Pad that's proven to work better and is affordable!

How Much Do They Cost?

LadiesBestie is now giving its best offer ever to allow ANYONE to try this heating pad for cramps and see how they will not only relieve menstrual or back pain - but make your periods more comfortable and fun!

This menstrual heating pad typically goes for $80 ONLY!

Now LadiesBestie is giving you the chance to try them at 50% OFF for a limited time.

Try your first massaging heating pad for just $39.97

Plus, try it out RISK-FREE for 30 Days, where if these don’t provide relief…

If you don’t absolutely love them…

You can send it back for a full, no questions asked, refund.

Where To Buy?

LadiesBestie Heat Massagers have been circulating in gynecologist offices for the past few years. More than 15,000 patients managed to eliminate menstrual pain effortlessly

They are beginning to revolutionize the way doctors treat patients in their offices and are increasingly getting supplied in more gynecologist offices every day.

Until now, the Ladiesbestie heating pad was only available for purchase at your doctor’s office.

However, the female health supply company recently launched LadiesBestie online to the public only available on their site!

Since the launch, it has been in extremely high demand in the US. Stock in some US states is already finished. They offer a 30-Day Money-back Guarantee causing the stock to fly off the shelves. They have already run out of inventory four times and just recently revamped.

They are offering an exclusive deal to help women suffering from menstrual cramps so that they can avoid expensive medical checkups and enjoy time with their loved ones.

After Monday, July 01 this incredible offer will no longer be available!

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